Top of the World to ya!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January’s “Kid’s Contest” Win $$ for Best Video

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Every month is an Adventure at
This month we are calling all Kids to “Bring It“.  Bring your best, funniest, craziest homemade video, to tell the world about’s strategy of shopping and why the community should use this site.
First you have to okay it with Mom and Dad, since they are the Boss.
Next, break out your phone, lap-top, home computer, video-cam or doodle sketch to record your commercial.
Rules: Ms. Kailiegh will tell you how here (link to youtube)
Check out example video (link to youtube)
Also take a peek at Get acquainted with the site so you know who and what you are representing… maybe a grown-up could help with this.
The strategy we would like to convey: The Community knocks down the prices for one another to afford expensive items that otherwise would be hard to get. We also have a “Diaper Drop” collection for needy families all year around.
Kids will win $50.00 cash, parents will win $50.00 in drops to use shop on the site. (Must be signed in to win).
Send your videos or link to Att: Theresa
Hurry, get in your cute videos by January 29th 2012. The Winner will be judged by You the people. All votes will be tallied and we will announce the winner on February 3rd 2012. 
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Just Do “IT” Everday…

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Do What? Do IT!
“IT” means many good things:
K.I.S.S ITKeep It Simple Stupid. Don’t over think things,. Stick to what you know works, if you don’t know, then investigate the best way. Don’t let emotions run your life. Use your LOGIC!
Drink IT, Water…it’s not hard or expensive to do, just make it a habit. It takes 21 days to make or break a new or old habit.
Work IT out till ya sweat (yes I said sweat) get those Bio-chemicals in the brain flowing, acetylcholine, serotonin, gaba, dopamine…this is your Happy Hour without the alcohol.
* Cleanse IT supplements can rid you of toxins.There are many different colon and cellular cleansers. I am not promoting any certain kind, only your body knows what is best for you. Visit your health food store and have them muscle-test you for the one that works best with your body.
Feed IT okay you are not an IT but you will be if you don’t get your act together. Eat foods that are pure and in their most natural state as often as you can…Processed foods are so 50′s (that’s when the TV dinner came out WTHELL were they thinkin)?
* Supplement IT up. Take your vitamins and MINERALS, people forget they both go hand in hand. We are made of these little pieces of earth and we need them for our bodies to run at its highest potential.
Meditate IT, keep that energy flowing in  a positive direction. Meditation or just quieting the mind can balance an otherwise cluttered brain and spirit.
* Dance IT, or whatever you do that is physically fun or…
Sex IT up! If you do IT everyday, good for you and better for your partner ;) . Sex is good for the complexion and makes you feel alive maybe even couple of times a week at least… Dont feel bad or ashamed it’s natural like eating and sleeping. Now get to work or play, IT’s all what you make of IT..
Love IT…Love your self, your people, your life and your world, it will be noticeable in the trail you leave behind. Do this everyday for a happy life!
If I missed some IT’s please add to this list by leaving a comment…THANKS!
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VISION 2012…

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Man has to have a vision or nothing will manifest…
Let’s get to work on our 2012 VISION BOARDS. It’s like being a kid again and dreaming of anything you want without any stops. When we are grown up we think like a grown ups and we put limits on everything. It is no fun and it just sucks this way. So while creating your vision board you will be… hmm let’s say, 8 years old again. This is the age when the world is still magical, when you look out the window on Christmas Eve hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa and his sleigh. Or how bout those leperachans that were so small but you knew they were somewhere in the clover (be careful where you step). The day mom told you about God and that with him there are endless possibilities, so you prayed for that green bike (this is Jim Carrey‘s story) and somehow you got one. Check out Jim’s story here it’s sooo cool!
Just like Jim Carrey and his praying for his green bike. You can too! This is the year 2012 that carries with it energy and manna from heaven yes, I said manna just like the fishes and the loaves of bread. With a vision things can be made manifest into the physical. Think of the time when you really wanted something, you thought about it you even saw the deatails down to your favorite color and suddenly, or maybe a month or so, there it was. You didnt have to think so hard on it maybe just a wish. This wish that was so gentle in your spirit, without causing resistance or rebellion from the universe, a simple allowance of the thing(s) that you needed or wanted. Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus…I’m not sure about the white beard or red suit.
Brainstorm! Write like a crazy person and keep in  ind you are 8 years old (anything is possible) for at least five minutes without questioning or over thinking,  JUST FEEL!…Everything you need and want, who you would like to become, what you would like to do, who to marry, vacations, travel, books to write, read, people to meet, health, helping people, where you want to live, in what kind of house, down to the marble floors or wood, by the ocean? Feel it, breathe it, smell it, and live it as you write….Where you see yourself that is where you will be, maybe not tomorrow but it will creep up on you and just become a part of you and your life.
Get paper or a nice big board from Wallmart or CVS, plain white for boring, or florescent colors for the “I WANT IT NOW” factor. How ever you are feeling…I always go with Hot-Pink, the I want it now color, but that’s me.
Scissors, magic markers, crayons, watercolors or spray paint for the graffitest in you. Whatever medium you choose for the artsy-shvartsey part of your board…Oh yes you are an artist. God made everyone an artist, in his image. Stick figures are in.
Gather all your old magazines and books you don’t read. Material, incidentals such as buttons, earnings, rhinestones, anything that will stick to your board and look cool. Grab some sand for your beach scene make it as real as you can. This is YOUR VISION COMING TO LIFE! Find that hot guy and try to glue him on as well…
Glue sticks or Elmers works pretty good, if you don’t have, make a paste from flour and water (remember being a kid).
Radio, stereo (do we call them stereos anymore, Im outta the loop)? Get favorite EnyaCD (me again) or Wolfgang Amadeus, Eminem, Brad Paisley? Your vision your LIFE!
Green tea, water, no sugar, we are connecting to the highest vibration we do not want to block the transmissions of our vision to the Universal energy GOD… Do this in the morning before eating when the energy is not tainted by processed foods, cigarettes, whiskey or unnatural substances…continue raunchy behavior after Vision Board is complete HeHe.
Get on the floor like an 8 year old kid and get to work. Rip out your favorite pictures and glue them on to your board while you are doing this listening to your fav music let the visions sink into your every cell and manifest your dreams. It’s an awesome experience. You may want to add to your board each week or whenever you have a new Vision…or check something off when you receive it…
Take a picture of your blog so you can see it even when you are away from home. Every morning when you wake look at it and see all the wonderful things that you are creating…
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Monday, November 28, 2011

CYBER-UP Monday is here

No Need for:
* A Car... that needs gas (save $$)
* Shoes that will make your feet ache from all the walking and or running away from       disgruntle shoppers
* Getting out of your warm snuggie, you can stay in your PJ's
* Boxing gloves, for close encounters of the worst kind
* Headache medicine
* Calling 911 on over zealous shoppers
What you will need:
* Computer/Laptop/hand held apparatus
* Reasonably fast Internet service
* Lots of Coffee
* Maybe your fav alcoholic beverage (optional)
* Credit card, not even fully loaded
* Nimble fingers
* Best (CSS) Cyber Shopping Spots
May we suggest: or for your Holiday shopping savings.
You've had time to sober-up from all of the food you ate at Thanksgiving. Now its time to Cyber-Up to your computer for all of the great deals and fun.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dropopp's Halloween $100.00 WINNER!

This Halloween dropopp held it's first $100.00 Giveaway.
It was a great success. Our winner was Katie Garcia from Michigan.

You can watch the video here

Thanks to all of our members who sent in their stories of how they found



Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Life is hard and painful enough with family, work, all of the lovely and not so lovely things in between, illness and the real world that seems to never stop throwing problems at us.

Do not forget to laugh when you are laughing there is no room for the vibration of sadness or anger. Take a walk, let's make that run and for at least 20 minutes daily.

Sweat kicks up the endorphine factor and that makes a happy brain, which means a happy YOU!

Dont let working inturrupt living...Oh, what is living? You know that thing that is supposed to bring you joy, peace and a smile from time to time. My suggestion to you is find a class what ever it is and go there at least twice a week...even if it's cooking you enjoy????

It will bring you some "Youness" so you can be able to give parts of you away again. If we loose sight on yourselves and what brings you joy and energy...what a sad world it will be...hey everybody is doin' their thing. Why should you hold up the whole world cooking, cleaning, worrying, shopping taking care of everything?...go have some fun!!!

"You" will not be a happy camper and no-one will want to be around YOU not even you.

Get out an DO IT!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sick of being sick?

Does it sometimes feel like you can't get passed that hump or reach that level of strength that you know you once had? Whether working out or just doing daily chores something is not right. You used to run and jump, but now you cant even think of walking fast to get through the check out without catching your breath or reading this sentence.

You've been to the doctor and recieved a bill of health along with the three hundred dollar bill of hell and you are still hitting a brick wall. What can it be? Well, it could be viral or bacterial infection that the doctors are overlooking, your thyroid or epstien-barr something like low blood iron. These symptoms of feeling tired and drug across the floor can go undetected and the doctor may throw you an antidepressant that may only exsasserbate the problem.

First look at your diet, its the easiest place to look for the energy culprit. Sugars and empty carbs can rob the body of its natural energy sources. Sugar at first gives you a jolt, but later it can run you into the ground, the "Sugar Blues". Protiens are energy producers, salts (Celtic salt) are important for life and energy keeping the cells hydrated, otherwise we dehydrate from daily sweating. You must replenish minerals for the body to have power and energy.

Make sure you are not having a bout with Epstien Barr yes, its a virus that can attack anyone who has been exposed to Mononucleosis (Which is everyone). This virus is tricky and sometimes hard to detect, ask your doctor to take your blood Titers it will tell if you have the virus. Then have them run the thyroid test, it never tells the truth you have to be very careful and look for symptoms. Like cold extemeties, hair falling out, eyebrows that are fading and depression there are a litany more.

be smart and take your health into your own hands, our bodies belong to us not the doctor he has his own body to worry about plus yours. Help him help you and get informed of how the body works and you will find out why you feel so crappy.

Then come check out you will find your green drinks and juicers there to help ou on your POWER journey!

Happy Healthing


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Green Drinks Give Life!

When I was tired and sick, and sick of being sick and tired, I went to the medical doctor and he said everything was fine, here's some anti depressants. I threw them right in the garbage after having a bad reaction, serotonin syndrome they call it I call it fire from head to toe. I sought an alternative doctor and he discovered I had low blood sugar, low iron, low brain function (was I dead)? Yeah, I felt like it.

The Hippie doctor (my kids referred to him as) introduced to a product that turned my life around. Biotics Nitro Greens, it gave me the power to get off my duff and get to walking and running after I had been crawling for about two years. I take the stuff every morning, just a heaping tablespoon in apple juice and I m good to go and go you will, in every sense of the word. It is an oxygen builder and a cleanser of the liver, anything green will help detox the liver. Your hair skin and nails will thank you. Your neighbors will wonder why you have on your running shoes at 6am instead of a cup of coffee and the morning paper in your hand.

Change your life and way of thinking take steps to living a healthy happy long life!

you will find Nitro Greens at your local health food store or for a lower price check out


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Dropopp wants to give YOU designer gifts!
Join the site, sign up, get your "DROPs"
Pick your favorite product
Check out the price...YOUR IN TO WIN!

WATCH your email for a "STAR MEMBER" invite
then you can pick out any gift from our STAR MEMBER catagory

Dropopp will send it to you right away!

Have a great day