Just Do “IT” Everday…
Do What? Do IT!
“IT” means many good things:
* K.I.S.S IT. Keep It Simple Stupid. Don’t over think things,. Stick to what you know works, if you don’t know, then investigate the best way. Don’t let emotions run your life. Use your LOGIC!
* Drink IT, Water…it’s not hard or expensive to do, just make it a habit. It takes 21 days to make or break a new or old habit.
* Work IT out till ya sweat (yes I said sweat) get those Bio-chemicals in the brain flowing, acetylcholine, serotonin, gaba, dopamine…this is your Happy Hour without the alcohol.
* Cleanse IT supplements can rid you of toxins.There are many different colon and cellular cleansers. I am not promoting any certain kind, only your body knows what is best for you. Visit your health food store and have them muscle-test you for the one that works best with your body.
* Feed IT okay you are not an IT but you will be if you don’t get your act together. Eat foods that are pure and in their most natural state as often as you can…Processed foods are so 50′s (that’s when the TV dinner came out WTHELL were they thinkin)?
* Supplement IT up. Take your vitamins and MINERALS, people forget they both go hand in hand. We are made of these little pieces of earth and we need them for our bodies to run at its highest potential.
* Meditate IT, keep that energy flowing in a positive direction. Meditation or just quieting the mind can balance an otherwise cluttered brain and spirit.
* Dance IT, or whatever you do that is physically fun or…
* Sex IT up! If you do IT everyday, good for you and better for your partner . Sex is good for the complexion and makes you feel alive maybe even couple of times a week at least… Dont feel bad or ashamed it’s natural like eating and sleeping. Now get to work or play, IT’s all what you make of IT..
* Love IT…Love your self, your people, your life and your world, it will be noticeable in the trail you leave behind. Do this everyday for a happy life!
If I missed some IT’s please add to this list by leaving a comment…THANKS!
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged Brain, exercise, health, Health food store, love, Meditation, Microsoft, muscle testing, sex, Sexuality, shopping, TV dinner Leave a comment Edit
VISION 2012…
Man has to have a vision or nothing will manifest…
Let’s get to work on our 2012 VISION BOARDS. It’s like being a kid again and dreaming of anything you want without any stops. When we are grown up we think like a grown ups and we put limits on everything. It is no fun and it just sucks this way. So while creating your vision board you will be… hmm let’s say, 8 years old again. This is the age when the world is still magical, when you look out the window on Christmas Eve hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa and his sleigh. Or how bout those leperachans that were so small but you knew they were somewhere in the clover (be careful where you step). The day mom told you about God and that with him there are endless possibilities, so you prayed for that green bike (this is Jim Carrey‘s story) and somehow you got one. Check out Jim’s story here it’s sooo cool! http://movies.about.com/cs/eternalsunshine/a/etsmjc030904_2.htm
Just like Jim Carrey and his praying for his green bike. You can too! This is the year 2012 that carries with it energy and manna from heaven yes, I said manna just like the fishes and the loaves of bread. With a vision things can be made manifest into the physical. Think of the time when you really wanted something, you thought about it you even saw the deatails down to your favorite color and suddenly, or maybe a month or so, there it was. You didnt have to think so hard on it maybe just a wish. This wish that was so gentle in your spirit, without causing resistance or rebellion from the universe, a simple allowance of the thing(s) that you needed or wanted. Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus…I’m not sure about the white beard or red suit.
* Brainstorm! Write like a crazy person and keep in ind you are 8 years old (anything is possible) for at least five minutes without questioning or over thinking, JUST FEEL!…Everything you need and want, who you would like to become, what you would like to do, who to marry, vacations, travel, books to write, read, people to meet, health, helping people, where you want to live, in what kind of house, down to the marble floors or wood, by the ocean? Feel it, breathe it, smell it, and live it as you write….Where you see yourself that is where you will be, maybe not tomorrow but it will creep up on you and just become a part of you and your life.
* Get paper or a nice big board from Wallmart or CVS, plain white for boring, or florescent colors for the “I WANT IT NOW” factor. How ever you are feeling…I always go with Hot-Pink, the I want it now color, but that’s me.
* Scissors, magic markers, crayons, watercolors or spray paint for the graffitest in you. Whatever medium you choose for the artsy-shvartsey part of your board…Oh yes you are an artist. God made everyone an artist, in his image. Stick figures are in.
* Gather all your old magazines and books you don’t read. Material, incidentals such as buttons, earnings, rhinestones, anything that will stick to your board and look cool. Grab some sand for your beach scene make it as real as you can. This is YOUR VISION COMING TO LIFE! Find that hot guy and try to glue him on as well…
* Glue sticks or Elmers works pretty good, if you don’t have, make a paste from flour and water (remember being a kid).
* Radio, stereo (do we call them stereos anymore, Im outta the loop)? Get favorite EnyaCD (me again) or Wolfgang Amadeus, Eminem, Brad Paisley? Your vision your LIFE!
* Green tea, water, no sugar, we are connecting to the highest vibration we do not want to block the transmissions of our vision to the Universal energy GOD… Do this in the morning before eating when the energy is not tainted by processed foods, cigarettes, whiskey or unnatural substances…continue raunchy behavior after Vision Board is complete HeHe.
* Get on the floor like an 8 year old kid and get to work. Rip out your favorite pictures and glue them on to your board while you are doing this listening to your fav music let the visions sink into your every cell and manifest your dreams. It’s an awesome experience. You may want to add to your board each week or whenever you have a new Vision…or check something off when you receive it…
* Take a picture of your blog so you can see it even when you are away from home. Every morning when you wake look at it and see all the wonderful things that you are creating…
Posted in Uncategorized Tagged Brad Paisley, Christmas, Christmas Eve, God, Helen Keller, Jim Carrey, Law of Attraction, New year resolution, Vision Board, Wal-Mart Leave a comment Edit
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