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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mom's are happy...

You can smell fall in the air. The nights are cooler, the morning dew is getting that frosty glintz, the kind where you can hear a bit of a crunch when you step on it.
Ah, the children are returning back to their school desks, books and friends.
It's so fun when summer break starts, but the beach and sun even gets boring after a while. By this time you and the kids are whinning for a change.

Secretly mom's are celebrating every moment the return of the school season approaches. Underneath their breath the kids are too.
The redundancy of summer brings a yearning for the smell of wooden no-2 pencil shavings and their notebooks, by the end of the semester the grafitti has replaced the once shiny covers and their routines are in place.

Soon they will be wearing their snow boots and gloves. The end of summer is a time to celebrate the return of your home to a quiet retreat for at least six hours five days a week unless they are away for school then the party is really on (for who them or you)?. Mom's it's okay to celebrate the season of the empty nest but remember, far to soon it will be this way forever.

Do some school shopping at your favorite place... where prices are dropping and you are opping!


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