Poverty has hit and run over the middle class, taking away their, jobs, dignity and their comfortable status they once enjoyed. Think of the poor that have already been living in and under the poverty level, now sharing their exclusive title with people who are not used to this way of life. They won't be lonely that's for sure. The Census Bureau has released its 2011 report on poverty in America, 46.2 million people are living in low income. These numbers translate to 1 in 7 Americans that are poor.
There has been a recent study on poverty and the outcome was, a high percentage of the poor, have air conditioning, microwaves, cable television, cell phones and in some cases computers and internet. I sure hope so! The reason is, they used to have money and jobs. These people are the former middle class, now to be titled the "New poor". In order to succeed and get out of the poverty trap, people have to understand and keep up with technology, they need their laptops, air conditioning, and yeah how 'bout a fridge and that icrowave? Or their chances of leaving the low income realm is really not in their favor. People become depressed and loose hope that life will return to what they used to know.
Obesity also runs ramped in the poor sector as well. If people live in poverty they have a higher chance of being obese, because nutritious foods are expensive and processed foods are much cheaper. Education is an important factor in changing the poverty mindset and dont forget faith and will of the spirit. If people don't have the money they cannot buy nutritional supplements and healthy regimins for their family. The poor are left trying to feed their families on little income after paying house, car, and necessities, cheap processed food goes further than organic whole foods.
Is there an answer to this problem? Sure, there is. Realistically the little guy cannot fix the bigger issues, but each person can be responsible for themselves and the world around them. Stay focused, investigate on how to stay healthy, even though funds are tight. Learn how to make healthier meals instead of using processed carbs, which can lead to obesity and illness. Education is a staple, whether going to the library (which is free) or borrowing a friends computer. Keep updated on the world and new technologies. This will help when applying for a new job, showing you are still among the living. Stay proactive in the fight against poverty. Keep an attitude of gratitude and never give up, dont fall for poverty and its mindset. Dropopp.com is part of the puzzle of hope, by bringing the community's helping hands together and offsetting prices of electronics, health products, and other needed items. This platform was created for the consumer to afford great products for a happy life.
Join our community of helping hands, fighting the battle of poverty together www.dropopp.com
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